Tagged: memory recall with hypnosis


How Hypnotherapy Can Help You with Emotional Eating

In this 36-minute podcast, Bethany Gettis and I spoke of food, New Year Resolutions, letting go of control, diets, parenting, and how memories work. At one point, I spoke of how our mind is like a mansion with many rooms, and memories are housed in each room (therefore memories are state-based). Just as I finished saying that, I got carried away by my analogy, and wandered into another room in the mansion of my mind. I had to ask Bethany, “Sorry, what was your question again?” to get back on track. We all get sidetracked by our minds, it is how memories work. I laughed at it when I was watching the Podcast video tonight. 


Deep Dive with Me

Turning 55 is a miracle of sorts for me, if you understand when I was 17, I was so, so, so afraid of getting old (18-years-old would be too old for me back then.). And when I was 20, I thought by the time the new millennium came, with its Y-2k issue, that it would not be my problem because I would probably be fine to be dead since I’d be so old (the ripe old age of 31) by then.

Alex Formos with his new book Eurydice in Love 0

A Love Story Unlike Any Other

Alexander Formos wrote his new book Eurydice in Love with great courage, honesty, and soulful clarity. Currently, I’m only on chapter III but I am enjoying his bold and unbelievable story-telling style through the pages. Reading the book provides a perfect little break in my office after seeing my clients and before heading home.


Hypnosis Regression to Remember

Wanted to share the good news with you, at the time I was starting to lose hope, but I was finally able to locate Emily. Amazing how things work out.


Before You Left

What do you mean, Father left? I stared at the screen, simple words, I couldn’t understand. Did you love me enough? Did you encourage me enough? Did you accept me enough? Have you ever expressed yourself enough?


“Aliens” Among Us

Audrey is a young woman who has started losing pigments since when she was 17 years old. As a result of that, she doesn’t look like her parents and siblings at all. Extremely fair skin and blond hair with big blue eyes, she is tall. There is a certain lightness in her manner, something unspeakably different about her, something out of place. I felt a little bit displaced by her energy. She did extremely well without making any effort in school. She also has memories of being on a ship, but there is nothing scary about it, as was reported by some other abductees. Instead, Audrey feels that is home. She cried in tears in hypnosis missing her “home”.


Are Subconscious Memory Recall Real?

In this video, Kemila Zsange Answers two questions:
– Are Subconscious memory recall rea?
– Is it safe to have a regression?
And she answers these questions by telling a client’s case story.


Hypnotherapy My Music

Growing up, I often wondered, what happened to my music?

It was as if I was meant to be musical. When I was a child, I dreamt of singing on a stage.

Those daydreams were very real. I had them in detail.


Over six years ago, on a Car Free Day in Vancouver, I met someone who I could only use the words “my counterpart” to describe. Strange it may sound, it felt to me that he was me in another form. He is a musician – a singer song writer. Like a soul splitting into two, living simultaneous parallel lives, I felt he is fulfilling my music side of life, and I get to single-mindedly focus on what I came here to do. Hypnotherapy is musical after all, to my life.

And in this music, I feel so heard.


A Hayfield Beyond the Wall: Hypnosis for Suppressed Traumatic Memory Recall

Wanda told me she felt blocked and therefore stuck in life, even though she has multiple talents and interests. She has done a lot of inner work, including some “spiritual work deep into the self”, where she found some emotional triggers. She went to see a counsellor who used the emotional triggers to attempt to take her back in time…

That was when Wanda “hit a wall” – “I couldn’t get any further. I couldn’t get past the wall.” She told me.

A wall! “How do you know there was a wall?” I asked Wanda. My alarm went off. If there were nothing to hide, disallow, shame, or protect, there wouldn’t be any need for a wall.


Our Space Brothers

From time to time, I am contacted by people who had some “other worldly” experiences, namely experiences with extraterrestrial beings, be it sightings, encounters of all sorts or even abductions.

I found the biggest struggle with these people is not necessarily the experiences themselves – They have survived, obviously, no matter how out of control they felt in those situations – but that they cannot make sense of the experiences. They suffer from the lack of sense-making therefore the inability to share the experiences with others.

One man in his fifties I’ll call Johnny had multiple times of close encounters with those space beings, and he came to see me self-diagnosed as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder…