Tagged: interview


The Best Boss I’ve Ever Had, etc.

A recent interview I had had some interesting questions:
Have you ever had an amazing boss, mentor or leader leading you? Can you give us a story or anecdote that helps illustrate why this person was such a great leader and the impact they had on you or their team?
Training and knowledge matter, of course, but beyond that, what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?…


Hypnotherapist’s Interview

Recently an author named Nathan interviewed me, in compiling his own book on hypnosis and hypnotism. And I’d like to post the complete interview here as add-on information of myself.
How did you become involved in hypnosis?

Do you enjoy the work? What is the most and least rewarding aspects of being a hypnotist?

What are your interests aside from hypnotism?

What are the neurological processes involved? How does it work?

What are the most common misconceptions about hypnotherapy?

Can anybody be hypnotized? Do some cultures or ethnicities respond better to it?

Can anybody learn to be a hypnotist?

What can hypnotherapy be used to treat, and what is the success rate?

Have you ever been hypnotized yourself?

Do you have a favorite story from your work?

What is your advice to someone looking into hypnotherapy as a solution to their problems?