Tagged: Children

Getting Old as a Child 2

Getting Old as a Child

As I approach the last month of being 55 years old, I have started to ponder many things.

When I was younger, I looked at old people. From my young heart, “oldness” was their identity. Like “young-ness” was my assumed identity. Like, they were born old. And I will be young forever. Yes, we all get old. I could say it back then too; however, I only knew it conceptually. I didn’t feel it, not like the way I could feel living in another country, away from my birth country, while I still lived in China.


Dearest Anne

First published in 1947 and then translated into more than seventy languages, Anne Frank’s diary has been known worldwide for many decades. We all have heard of it. But honestly, I never felt compelled to read it, imagining there might be more hype and political importance than an actual good book.

Awakening Human 0

Awakening Human

One day, my 13-and-half-year-old client asked me, “Why does one unwanted thought stick in my head for long? Other good thoughts don’t?”

I found that a very genuine authentic observation, actually a very wise question. I had to think for a moment. And I answered him that the unreal thoughts have to be louder and stickier, to work harder to appear it’s real. What is real doesn’t have to be loud, because it is already real – that we hear it or not doesn’t change its reality.


A Hayfield Beyond the Wall: Hypnosis for Suppressed Traumatic Memory Recall

Wanda told me she felt blocked and therefore stuck in life, even though she has multiple talents and interests. She has done a lot of inner work, including some “spiritual work deep into the self”, where she found some emotional triggers. She went to see a counsellor who used the emotional triggers to attempt to take her back in time…

That was when Wanda “hit a wall” – “I couldn’t get any further. I couldn’t get past the wall.” She told me.

A wall! “How do you know there was a wall?” I asked Wanda. My alarm went off. If there were nothing to hide, disallow, shame, or protect, there wouldn’t be any need for a wall.

Does Being a Grown-up Mean Maturity? 0

Does Being a Grown-up Mean Maturity?

Have you seen the 2016 English-language French-produced computer animated movie The Little Prince yet? – A Little Girl meets an eccentric old Aviator who tells her a fantastic tale about a young prince…

I enjoyed the movie, almost as much as the original classic tale. The new movie stays true to the original message of how fake we have built the world to be, and how tender our innocence is. That was moving.

Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Regression for Young People 0

Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Regression for Young People

It’s always encouraging and inspiring for me to work with young people. Many young people who came to see me for spiritual regression are very in-tune with their inner being and inner truth. And they make excellent hypnotic subjects. I doubt that these people will ever form some sort of identity with what they believe.

Helping Kids Overcome Their Anxiety, Fears and Phobias 12

Helping Kids Overcome Their Anxiety, Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy is such a gentle treatment that it can be very helpful for nervous children with problems and symptoms such as irrational fears, phobias, exam worries, eating habits or many other problems that kids may encounter.