Tagged: Brian Weiss


Non-Linear Memory of a Past Life

“One reason I love what I do is that I still get surprised at what comes up in a session, no matter how much I think I know.” As Clara was getting ready to settle into the hypnosis part of our session, for past life regression, I said to her, “For example, someone would come to see me for fear of water, it’s easy to assume that this person was drowned to death in another lifetime; or someone has a fear of height, it’s easy to assume this person died in another life from falling. Many times it was so, but sometimes it was not so, and then when the regression ends, it would all make sense, in a very different way.”

A Client’s Sharing on Radio 0

A Client’s Sharing on Radio

It was a delight to listen to Fairchild Radio AM1430 Toronto Live. Angela Chang, a Past Life Regression client from last year, opened up and took her experience to public. On the radio, she shared her three past life regression experiences with me on Skype in such a detailed and descriptive way that even I, the facilitator, found it captivating.

Toronto Live is a Canadian Chinese radio program.

The Secret of the Butterfly Lovers 1

The Secret of the Butterfly Lovers

Some strange force had me pick out this book from library shelf, or you may say, coincident. I finighed this fascinating book within a couple of days. Such a story of love, beauty, trust, faith, and amazement!

Life After Death? 1

Life After Death?

It was also during the two years, not only watching people dying in hospital, I have encountered death many many times another way – Witnessing death experience in Past Life Regression hypnosis sessions.
Is there a death after life? Or is there a life after death?