Frequent Asked Questions on Past Life Regression

Q: I am interested in past life regressions. How do they affect one’s present life, and how do I understand the bigger picture?

A: The present life you are living is but a chapter in the novel that is you. All of your experiences contribute to the outcome of the reincarnational cycles. Why would a soul not want all the information possible? Each action and reaction in the linear determines the roughness or smoothness of the path.

Knowledge is power, as it is said in the physical world.

Q: How does the memory work?

A: Active memory is only a small part of our normal consciousness, and that our unconscious memory registers and preserves every past impression and experience which our waking mind fails to recall.

Past life regression is a very safe, gentle, and natural process. The unconscious mind, where past life memories reside, is selective in what it releases to the conscious mind: it will allow the person to go as deeply and as far as they need to go.

Watch a video where Kemila talks about “wishful thinking” v.s. a real memory recall.

Q: How should I experience dying, if I lived before?

A: According to Dr. Helen Wambach‘s research and my own case works, for over 90% of people, after death was the best part of the regression. One can experience a deep calm and peace, and many feel a joy in being released from the body. A lot of people reported afterwards that they had lost their fear of death in their current life.

Q: I’m nervous and even a little fearful of what might happen if I can’t handle what I see. Can you handle this?

A: As I often say to my first time clients, “I don’t set any agenda, and your conscious mind doesn’t set any agenda; your subconscious mind sets the agenda.” My observation is that people rarely get violent or horrible memories when they first have past life regressions. The unconscious mind will only send us past life memories that we are ready to deal with and are able to integrate into our conscious personality structure. Those who have little experience of therapy or meditation more often start gently. The first past life memories that come tend to be more benign. Beginners not subject to pressure or neurosis are ususally shown other selves from the past that can be more easily assimilated and dealt with.

It is very much like watching a movie, though when you go deep enough, you feel everything, it is however not a frightening experience at all, no matter what you encounter. Recall can sometimes be painful and accompanied by tears and fear, but the mind always knows how to handle whatever is revealed and is aware of the experience on two levels: the connectin with the present and the presence of the therapist, as well as the scenario going in the mind as it recalls some event in the past. In another word, you are here, and you are there simultaneously.

I have witnessed all types of traumas in my work; however, there is always a gentleness in the guidance, and part of your mind is always aware of that.

A while ago, I asked a question to a entity named Veronica, channelled by April on “Inner Whispers” Radio about guiding people after death transition in a past life regression. Veronica’s answer was quite thorough and it is what I stand for. Here’s the less than 4 minute clip of the Q&A.

Q: How does my subconscious mind work?

A: In every life, you are born with a new body and a new brain, which serves the purpose of allowing you to function in the physical world. Your subconscious awareness, which contains the knowledge of your soul, is incorporated within your new physical body, with all of your accompanying past-life memories. Your body and brain, and your mind and knowledge, are both similar to a computer. Your body and your conscious brain, known as Beta, are the outser covering and circuitry of the computer. Your subconscious mind, known as Alpha, is the program disk containing the knowledge that powers the computer. Your body and brain form the shell and the system that receives the inner knowledge of your soul. Your subconscious mind powers and programs the experiences of your present life.

Remembering your past lives is like searching the subconscious programming disk. The information is there, but retrieving the file requires the appropriate computer code. Your mind has a unique filtering mechanism that allows you to remember only what is relevant or important to your present life, based on present circumstances.

Q: During Past-Life Regression, what comes up in my awareness, is it real or is it imagination?

A: Let’s do this experiment: either with your eyes open or closed, right now, can you bring up an image, say, of your best friend? Okay, now you have it, could you find ways to change this best friend’s hairstyle? And maybe see if you can put a pair of glasses to that face? Or take the glasses off the face? Fairly easy?

Now, in a Past-Life Regression, if I am to do the same thing of changing hairstyle and putting eye glasses to the face of someone, a client will normally say, “No. That’s not the way it is!” That’s the short answer to the question of knowing what’s real or what’s imagination.

The following is a longer answer, as this is my favourite topic – “imagination v.s. reality”. I’m going to spend some time talking about it.

Imagination is supposed to be something that isn’t real, and reality is supposed to be something that is real. It’s a commonly held belief that reality is what you experience in your day-to-day life. Imagination is what you expeirence in your thoughts. However, there’s a widely accepted philosophy, though you may not know, if so I’m glad to be the first person to shock you, that reality is what you can’t see, and imagination is what you can see. Stay with me and just use your imagination for a few moments and you may begin to see the truth in imagination and the fallacy in fact.

Suppose what you imagine on the inside, with your thoughts, turns into what you expeirence in your day-to-day life. When this occurs, which is real — your previous thoughts that have turned into reality, or the previous reality that has turned into illusion, because it’s no longer the reality. Fine, you may drag me out and point to me what you see, the trees, the hunger in the world, the wars, the economy (funny you’d even use newspaper to prove it)… they are all reality, because you can see them. It’s true they are Your reality if you choose to, because they were first somebody else’s imagination.

What you believe to be true on the inside is the real part of your reality. Your beliefs about reality determine what you expeirence in your life. With this premise, perhaps reality is only an illusion, and imagination is the true reality. This concept can actually empower you, because it can help you determine how you perceive your experiences and how you create your present reality, as well as helping you to open up and accept the past-life memories you feel are true.

In hypnosis when your past-life memories open up and are expeirenced by you, the underlying basis in what you expeience is your belief. Becuse your beliefs create what you expeirnece, they also influence whether the memories that surface are made-up memories or the real thing. You can feel the difference between fantasies and facts. Trust your feelings.

Your past-life memories and the corresponding images are given to you by your subconscious mind. You already know the truth and you have the answers within. By trusting your inner images, you’re able to open another doorway into your past lives. Your imagination can show you what’s inside your subconscious mind, without all the judgements and restrictions that belong to conscious denial. By allowing your imagination to open up the real world for you, you’ll find that what you originally thought of as fantasy is, in truth, the fact.

Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 

Q: Can everyone be successfully regressed?

A: Everyone has the capacity to be successfully regressed; however, it may take some more sessions for some people than others, due to level of development, trust and readiness. This therapy may not be effective for a client if they function solely on an intellectual level and do not have the capability for introspection. Past life therapy is not appropriate for individuals who have lost touch with their emotions.

Sometimes a client may not be able to relax the conscious mind and may remain focused on being present in the room. Sometimes a client may not be able to tune into one past life instead images from various past lives come and go. It is possible a client may need some time to build up trust for the therapeutic process in order to allow unconscious material to arise.

Our own strong expectations and desire to relive a past life can get in our way. We may want it so much that we try to force the process and, paradoxically, we block it. However, with practice we can overcome any such obstacles. It is important to practice without any frustration and without any attachment to the outcome of a particular session. Don’t say, “I have to have a regression,” for that will only prevent it from happening. There is no need to put this kind of pressure on yourself. Just accept whatever comes to your mind. There is a process and a wisdom at work. When you trust it, it will guide you to wherever it is that you need to go.

Traumatic situations of suffering or violent past life deaths may block past life memories. When this occurs there may be a higher wisdom at work. The client may need to do more internal work before they are ready to address these memories.

Q: How many sessions will I need?

A: It depends on the issues and your goals and means. Sometimes change happens slowly and sometimes it happens instataneously. Normally people start to have an answer to this question after their first past-life regression session.

When a pattern is strong and constantly being justified, a philosophy or an attitude upon which a behaviour is based might change only slightly over many lifetimes. Even when the philosophy begins to change, it takes awhile for behaviour to catch up. If you’ve already had a lot of reflection upon the past, you can simply identify the patterns and drop it, so you can choose what you prefer.