Category: Self-Hypnosis

Selfishly Speaking 0

Selfishly Speaking

I’ve always found this word “selfish” intriguing. It’s such an empty word by itself yet there are so many loaded meanings and emotions to it. An artificial word, yet a powerful label.

To be labeled “selfish” is not a nice feeling for many of us so we would do whatever it takes to avoid being labeled as such, mostly, to try to put the happiness of others ahead of our own.

And it’s such a popluar ideal throught human history in most cultures that a lot of people give up what makes them happy to “fit in” the consensus. the problem is, general consensus is just a bunch of ideal, concepts and labels that are all so empty inside.

An Advanced Self-Hypnosis Book 0

An Advanced Self-Hypnosis Book

Self-Hypnotism was the first hypnotism book I ever bought, during a library book sale some years ago. At that time, I didn’t know anything more than anyone else about hypnotism. I just saw the cover, intrigued by the title, and bought it, 25 cents. The book was published many years ago (first edition in 1964?) and the used book looked old. I started to read the first couple of chapters and that was it…

It was not until years later, after my inner hypnotist was fully awakened and I

Three Tips to Make Self-Hypnosis Fun and Effective 0

Three Tips to Make Self-Hypnosis Fun and Effective

One thing I saw in teaching self-hypnosis a lot was impatience. The reason people get impatient with any practice is that they want a certain outcome, and they want the outcome right now.

Attachment to outcome causes impatience; however, whenever we have fun, we don’t feel time pass. We enjoy the process and we don’t care about the ending.

So, to make your self-hypnosis practice effective, the first key is to make it fun. How do we do that?

8 Ways to Have a Happier Life with Self-Hypnosis 3

8 Ways to Have a Happier Life with Self-Hypnosis

On one hand, Self-Hypnosis is a conscious way to re-program the subconscious mind. On another, we can use trance work to find answers and wisdom within so that we can move forward with more clarity and ease. More specifically, here are 8 ways we can benefit from Self-Hypnosis.

Hypnotism for Mind-body Connection 2

Hypnotism for Mind-body Connection

Hypnotism for weight-loss and pain management has become well established. The result speaks by itself. More and more people are using this natural organic peaceful method to become slimmer and pain free. But think about it, if hypnosis can help us lose weight, control pain, it can certainly help us do all sorts of things that we call physical – how about using hypnotism to improve eyesight, to enlarge or shrink body parts, to grow taller, and to grow hair – or better, using hypnotism against hair loss. The limit is in your imagination. If you think you lack imagination, well, hypnotism can help with that too.

Self-Hypnosis, an Accelerated Learning Solution 2

Self-Hypnosis, an Accelerated Learning Solution

Accelerated learning is a way to learn more quickly with less effort but more enjoyment… When our Critical Factor is bypassed, we can then begin learning from the right state: the Flow State, so we can allow ourselves to lose ourselves in the task.

Why and How self-hypnosis can Help us Achieve Goals? 4

Why and How self-hypnosis can Help us Achieve Goals?

We need a clear mind to achieve our goals, yet the attention to unwanted things makes our mind super busy… Clearing the mind looks very difficulty to do.
That’s when self-hypnosis becomes very useful. It makes clearing the mind fairly easy once you know how.